Short Bio
Dr. Ilka Thiessen
Born in (at the time) West-Berlin
Birthday on the 31st of August
Languages that I studied but not necessarily remember:
English, French, Latin, Macedonian, Russian, Spanish, Yoruba
Favourite Books: A. Camus, L’Etranger; M. Frisch, Homo Faber; D.Tartt, The Goldfinch
Favourite Concerts
The Rolling Stones’ Voodoo Lounge Album as seen in Budapest 1995 (with Clint and Niki)
Ekatarina Velika in Kurshumli An, Skopje, during a thunderstorm in 1993 (with Sime)
Favourite Places to live: Siena, Barcelona, Lüneburg, Mainz, Metchosin, Berlin, Skopje - in an ideal world I would like to live at all this places at the same time
People who have taught me most about Canada: Margaret Atwood, Leonard Cohen, Al Purdy and the Arrogant Worms (especially!!) - None of them though have been able to convince me yet about the virtues of snow.
Ph.D. on Social Change and Identity in Macedonia at the London School of Economics (supervisor: Peter Loizos)
M.Sc. on Female Cannibalism in Papua New Guinea at the London School of Economics (supervisor James Woodburn)
M.A. Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz in law, history and African ethnology
B.A. Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg in law, history and South Asian ethnology
I went to High School in Mainz
The Republic of Macedonia
Social Anthropology, Political Anthropology, Gender
Most memorable events
The Fall of the Berlin Wall 1989
The release of Nelson Mandela 1990
Photography; training Finn as service dog.
Favourite Quotes
“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”
“The best revenge is to live well”
“Experience is what you get if you didn’t get what you wanted ”