Selected Conference papers:

2012 ‘Statue-Life: Warrior with Horse, the Bull and the Lion: the beasts of Skopje 2014’  in: ‘Reducing Complexity: Transformation of Capital Cities’ workshop convened by Ilka Thiessen and Goran Janev. 12th EASA Biennial Conference,  10-13th July.

2012 ‘Reducing Complexity: Transformation of Capital Cities’ - Workshop at the 12th EASA Biennial Conference: Nanterre, France. 10-13th July. Convened by Ilka Thiessen and Goran Janev, Max-Planck-Institute, Göttingen, Germany.

2011 ‘The idea of philanthropy and civil society’, in: ‘Market vs Society? Human principles and economic rationale in changing times,’ CUA Annual Conference, Corinth, Greece, 27-29 May.

2011 ‘Skopje 2014’ and the European Project: Issues of Exclusion and Inclusion’ in: EastBordNet / IS0803 Conference 2010, Remaking Borders, 20-22 January,Catania, Sicily (Italy).

2008 Round-Table Conference: Anthropology in the city: methods, methodology and theory Convenors: Italo Pardo and Giuliana Prato, London School of Economics, London England, 13-14 September.

2007 ‘Body-transformation in the Republic of Macedonia: the creation of identity and social change,’ Lilith Mahmud and Katrina Moore, Harvard University: “Transforming Subjectivity: Self-Cultivation and Embodied Training as Path to Social Change",106th AAA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Nov. 28- Dec 2.

2007 ‘Macedonia, the European Project and the Balkans: Issues of Exclusion and  Inclusion,’ Giuliana Prato, Kent University for the Silver Jubilee Conference of the Commission on Urban Anthropology, “Urban Identity, Power and Space: The Case of Trans-European Corridors”; Tirana, 27-31 August.

2007 ‘The desecularization of Macedonian society?’ in ‘The Re-enchantment of the World?’ Society for the Anthropology of Religion, Wyndham Phoenix, Arizona, April 13-16.

2007 ‘Tangentiality of identity:  the multiple ways of being European in Macedonia and not being in Europe’, in: "Rethinking Crossroads: Macedonia in Global Context’, University of Chicago's Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian Studies (CEERES). March 31st.

2006 Daughters of ‘Post’-Socialist Macedonia: How free means not always free, in ‘The Traffic in  Feminist Anthropology,’ invited session of the AFA organized by Ellen Lewin and Florence Babb, 105th AAA Annual Meeting November 15-19, San Jose. 

2006  The Balkans and Europe – an uneasy relationship: Macedonia, identities and bodies in “Eastern boundaries, money and gender: exploring shifting locations of identity and difference  on the European peripheries”, organized by Sarah Green and Laura Assmuth  at the EASA Biannual conference, Bristol, September 15-19.

2005 Religion as political discourse of exclusion in Macedonia or: How Religion promises the way into Europe and out of the Balkans  in: "Religion and Politics: Ethnicity, Nationalism and the Sacred". The Society for the Anthropology of Religion  meeting, Vancouver, April 11-13. 

2003 The creation of otherness and ethnic conflict in Macedonia (Invited guest lecture), University of Winnipeg, Manitoba. December 1st.

2003 Transnationalism and Globalization: Macedonian Identities (Invited guest lecture), Haverford College, 370 Lancaster Ave. Haverford, PA 19041, November 3rd.

2003  Naked women on men’s bare chests in “The Flesh Made Text: Bodies, Theories, Cultures in the Post-Millennial Era”, School of English, Aristotle University of  Thessalonica, Greece, 15-18 May.

2002 The creation of the night: Macedonian identity in the making in “Toward an Anthropology of the Night” organized by Burkhard Schnepel. EASA Biannual conference. Copenhagen, August 14-17.

2002 The Creation of European Identity in Macedonian Discourse: Looking at the Consequences of Exclusion’ in “European Identity and Representation in an Integrated Europe,” sponsored by the Centre for European Studies at Carleton University. May 9-10.

2002 ‘Concomitants of in/dependence: change of class structure in the Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia,’  SfAA Annual meeting: Environment & Health in the New Millennium, Atlanta, March 6-10.

2002 ‘Body-alterations and the Creation of the Other: a Macedonian case’ in the Annual Soyuz Symposium, "New Directions in Post-Socialist Studies, Ann Arbor, Michigan, February 22-23.

2001 ‘Leb I Sol (Bread And Salt): The Meanings Of Work In The Changing Society Of  Macedonia’ in Herbert Applebaum Panel chaired by June Nash, AAA, Washington, DC, November 2001.

2000 Partition as Amnesia: The Symbolic Economy of Yugoslavia’s Disintegration from a Macedonian Viewpoint in “Whose Self-Determination: Agency and Amnesia in the Disintegration of Yugoslavia” organized by the Watson Institute, Brown University, 3 - 5 February 2000.

1996 Procreation and Sexuality in the Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia  in “Conceiving Persons: Ethnographies of Procreation, Substance and Personhood” organized by P. Loizos & P. Heady,  London School of Economics, September 1996.

1996 ‘Urban Identity in the Macedonian Republic’, London School of Economics, Greece and the Balkans Seminar, May 15, 1996.

1996 ‘Mapping of Urban Identity in the City of Skopje’, 4th EASA Conference in Barcelona: Culture and Economy: Conflicting Interests, Divided Loyalties, 12 - 15 July 1996. (also presented 1995 at the Anthropological Understandings of the Politics of Identity Seminar, Queen's University, Belfast, in December 1995).