Macedonia is a small landlocked country in the Balkans with a very rich and ancient past. Macedonia has already been settled during the Neolithic. From the 12th century BC the first Macedonians began to settle in the region.They colonized a huge empire under Philip II and Alexander the Great. This was later overrun by the Romans, became a part of Byzantium, the period in which the Slav people first settled here, and then came under Bulgarian and subsequently Serbian rule, in 1371 it was incorporated into the Ottoman Empire. In1944, the communists under Tito incorporated part of Macedonia as a constituent republic of the socialist state of Yugoslavia.
Today the Republic of Macedonia has a population of about 2 million Macedonians, Albanians. Turks, Roma and Vlachs. The country now shares borders with Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Serbia and Kosovo. The Republic of Macedonia is a spirited and hospitable country. During your stay: Local guides will introduce you to the different districts of the city. We will have guest lectures in English from different specialists of the area, including social anthropologists, archeologists, political scientists, historians, folklorists, artists, musicians and local NGO’s. We will have weekend excursions to sites of stunning beauty. You will leave Macedonia with many newly forged friendships.
Participants must arrange their own air travel to Skopje and travel insurance, including medical. Food is not included, but accommodation is in apartments which have kitchens, so that food costs are minimal.
Basic Program Cost: $4500 Canadian (maximum) depending on student number. Basic Accommodation: 2 people apartments with living room, kitchen and bathroom is included in basic cost, as well as travel within Macedonia.
Financial aid links: https://international.viu.ca/education-abroad/funding
Financial Assistance: The length of the program and its number of credits means that students may be eligible for student loans while taking it.
Courses to be offered:
ANTH 390 (3) Issues in Anthropology (Urban Anthropology of Nationalism)
ANTH 362 (3) Ethnographic Field Studies (The Anthropology of Non-Governmental Organisations)
ANTH 325G (3) Ethnology of Selected Regions: Eastern Europe
Selection Procedure:
Statement of Interest by November 7th, 2 reference letters from VIU faculty and Interviews by the 20th of November.
Application deadline: November 18th
Non-refundable deposits ($500) due: December 1st
Payment #1 ($2000) due: February 1st
Payment #2 ($2000) due: March 15th
The Field School is also of interest to Global Studies, Political Science, Tourism and students that are interested to work in the NGO sector.